As far as board books, The Feelings Book rocks our world.

Not just your ordinary parade of happy and sad, this book covers serious and silly feelings. "Sometimes I feel like eating pizza for breakfast." Me too!! "Sometimes I feel like kissing a sea lion" has had Greyson and I racing to smooch the grubby last page of this book for a long time now. In fact, when I read one of Eric Carle's books to Greyson and I got to the sea lion, he kissed it! At first I had no idea what he was doing, but then I just about puked from the cutenesss of it all. :)
Now on to the picture book, which is really the same format and level, just longer (and bigger of course). We have been enjoying The Feel Good Book

This books is (obviously) all about things that feel good! Rubbing noses feels good. Crying when you are sad feels good. Making monkey noises feels good. All of these things do feel good! Especially when you do them with your kiddo.
Trust me, Todd Parr rocks.
Mia loves his Silly Book of Shapes and It's Okay to Be Different.
If you had to pick one of the two you've highlighted in your blog to purchase first, which which would it be? :)
p.s. I LOVE that you're doing this!
We got The Okay Book and the Hair Book as gifts and my son LOVES them!
Ahhh...I can already tell that this blog is going to send me searching online to purchase an obscene amount of books since our library SUCKS!
Tanya, I say over 2 - The Feel Good Book, under 2, The Feelings Book.
But ONLY becausr you forced me and also ONLY because there may be a sad time when it won't be cool to read board books anymore. :(
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